The outgoing police spokesperson, Fred Enanga has asked to brace the heavy task ahead in the new position.
“Speaking for police is not mean task and you should dedicate all your efforts to serve diligently by being open, working with the public and journalists,” Enanga said.
“I must remind you of the immense responsibility ahead. You are taking on a tough task which requires great dedication, acting with integrity and treat every member of the public with compassion.”
Enanga was on Sunday moved from the police public relations office and appointed the new deputy director for Interpol.
Consequently, Kituuma Rusoke was appointed the new spokesperson.
Speaking on Monday, Enanga welcomed his successor, wishing him the best in his new tour of duty.
“You one of the most brilliant commanders we have had and I know you will succeed. You are a fine brain and performer, keep doing what you have been doing.”
Enanga applauded the Inspector General of Police and the entire force’s leadership for giving him an opportunity to serve the country.
‘I further than the IGP and the entire police force for the invaluable support, advice, team work and trust they placed in me and I have nothing but gratitude and I look forward to your continuous guidance and support.”
Enanga also applauded other police commanders across all jurisdictions for the support given to him during his time as spokesperson.
“Your collective effort and support towards the office of the PRO, continues to make a positive impact in the safety and wellbeing of our country.”